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Version: 2.0.0

Setting Up a Private Casper Network

Casper private networks operate in a similar way to the Casper public network. The significant difference in private networks is a closed validator set and having administrator account(s) which can control regular accounts. Hence, there are specific configurations when setting up the genesis block and administrator accounts. Besides the main configuration options that the Casper platform provides, each customer may add other configuration options when setting up a private network.


  1. Prerequisites

  2. Setting up a Validator Node

  3. Setting up the Directory

  4. Configuring the Genesis Block

  5. Configuring the Administrator Accounts

  6. Starting the Casper Node

  7. Testing the Private Network

  8. Setting up a Block Explorer


Follow these guides to set up the required environment and user accounts.

Step 1. Setting up a Validator Node

A Casper node is a physical or virtual device participating in a Casper network. You need to set up several validator nodes on your private network. An operator who has won an auction bid will be a validator for the private network.

Use the below guides to set up and manage validator nodes.

  • Casper node setup - GitHub guide: A guide to configuring a system with the new Rust node to operate within a network.
  • Basic node setup tutorial: A guide on using the casper-node-launcher, generating directories and files needed for running casper-node versions and performing upgrades, generating keys, and setting up the configuration file for nodes.
  • Set up Mainnet and Testnet validator nodes: A set of guides for Mainnet and Testnet node-operators on setting up and configuring their Casper network validator nodes.

Use these FAQ collections for tips and details for validators.

Step 2. Setting up the Directory

Use these guides to set up your private network directories. You will find several main directories dedicated to different purposes.

  • Go through the file location section to understand how directories are created and managed in a Casper private network.
  • Refer to the setting up a new network guide to identify the required configuration files to set up a genesis block.

Step 3. Configuring the Genesis Block

A Casper private network contains a different set of configurations when compared to the public network. The chainspec.toml file contains the required configurations for the genesis process in a private network.

You should add the configuration options below to the chainspec.toml file inside the private network directory.

Unrestricted transfers configuration

This option disables unrestricted transfers between regular account purses. A regular account user cannot do a fund transfer when this attribute is set to false. Only administrators can transfer tokens freely between users and other administrators.

allow_unrestricted_transfers = false

In contrast, users in the public network can freely transfer funds to different accounts.


A Casper private network doesn't support the minting process. Only admininstrator accounts can maintain funds. This is enabled by configuring these options:

allow_unrestricted_transfers = false
compute_rewards = false
allow_auction_bids = false
refund_handling = { type = "refund", refund_ratio = [1, 1] }
fee_handling = { type = "accumulate" }
administrators = ["ADMIN_PUBLIC_KEY"]

The Casper Mainnet has different refund and fee handling configurations explained in more detail here.

allow_unrestricted_transfers = true
compute_rewards = true
allow_auction_bids = true
refund_handling = { type = 'no_refund' }
fee_handling = { type = 'no_fee' }
administrators = []

Refund handling configuration

This option manages the refund behavior at the finalization of a deploy execution. It changes the way the Wasm execution fees are distributed. After each deploy execution, the network calculates the amount of gas spent for the execution and manages to refund any remaining tokens to the user.

A refund_ratio is specified as a proper fraction (the numerator must be lower or equal to the denominator). In the example below, the refund_ratio is 1:1. If 2.5 CSPR is paid upfront and the gas fee is 1 CSPR, 1.5 CSPR will be given back to the user.

refund_handling = { type = "refund", refund_ratio = [1, 1] }

Another example: a refund variant with refund_ratio of [0, 100] means that 0% is given back to the user after deducting gas fees. In other words, if a user paid 2.5 CSPR and the gas fee is 1 CSPR, the user will not get the remaining 1.5 CSPR in return.

After deducting the gas fee, the distribution of the remaining payment amount is handled based on the fee_handling configuration.

Starting with the Condor release, a Casper private network can eliminate fees and, thus, not require refunds, similar to the Casper Mainnet:

refund_handling = { type = 'no_refund' }
fee_handling = { type = 'no_fee' }

Fee handling configuration

This option defines how to distribute the fees after refunds are handled. While refund handling defines the amount we pay back after a transaction, fee handling defines the methods of fee distribution after a refund is performed.

Set up the configuration as below:

fee_handling = { type = "pay_to_proposer" }

The fee_handling configuration has four variations:

  • no_fee: Fees are eliminated. No refunds are necessary.
  • pay_to_proposer: The rest of the payment amount after deducing the gas fee from a refund is paid to the block's proposer.
  • burn: The tokens paid are burned, and the total supply is reduced.
  • accumulate: The funds are transferred to a special accumulation purse. Here, the accumulation purse is owned by a handle payment system contract, and the amount is distributed among all the administrators defined at the end of a switch block. The fees are paid to the purse owned by the handle payment contract, and no tokens are transferred to the proposer when this configuration is enabled.

Auction behavior configuration

A private network requires to have a fixed set of validators. This configuration restricts the addition of new validators to the private network. Hence, you are not allowed to bid new entries into the validator set.

Use the configuration below to limit the auction validators:

allow_auction_bids = false

Other configurations related to the auction:

  • allow_auction_bids - if this option is set to false then add_bid and delegate options are disabled. It also disables adding new validators to the system. Invoking those entry points leads to an AuctionBidsDisabled error.
  • core.compute_rewards - if this option is set to false, then all the rewards on a switch block will be set to 0. The auction contract wouldn't process rewards distribution that would increase validator bids.

In a public network, allow_auction_bid is set to true, which allows bidding for new entries and validator nodes.

Step 4. Configuring the Administrator Accounts

An administrator is mandatory for a private network since it manages all the other validator accounts. There should be at least one administrator account configured within a network to operate it as a private network. You can create new administrators and rotate the validator set in a single configuration update. The operator must first ensure the global_state.toml file contains new administrators. The validator set is updated after if an administrator is also a validator. Also, only purses of administrator accounts can hold and distribute token balances.

Configuring administrator accounts

Use this configuration option in the chainspec.toml to add administrator accounts to the private network:

administrators = ["NEW_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY"]

Note: Regular accounts are not allowed to manage their associated keys on a private network.

Generating new administrator accounts

Use the command below to generate new administrator accounts in your private network. This generates the contents of a global_state.toml with the entries required to create new administrator accounts at the upgrade point.

global-state-update-gen \
generate-admins --data-dir $DATA_DIR/global_state \
--state-hash $STATE_ROOT_HASH \
  • NEW_PUBLIC_KEY - Public key of the administrator in a hex format.
  • NEW_BALANCE - Balance for the administrator’s main purse.
  • DATA_DIR - Path to the global state directory.
  • STATE_ROOT_HASH - State root hash, taken from the latest block before an upgrade.

Managing accounts and smart contracts

Only administrators have permission to control accounts and manage smart contracts in a private network. An example implementation can be found in Casper node's private chain control management file. This is not an existing contract. You can use the existing client contracts as an administrator to perform actions as a user. This is done by sending a deploy under a regular user's public key but signed using the administrator's secret key.

Use this command to generate these contracts:

make build-contracts-rs

Only the administrator can use the related Wasm to send the deploy to the network and then use it to manage, enable, and disable contracts. This is achieved through entry points that handle enabling and disabling options for account and smart contracts:

  • To disable a contract: Execute the disable_contract.wasm with contract_hashand contract_package_hash as parameters.
  • To enable a contract: Execute the enable_contract.wasm with contract_hashand contract_package_hash as parameters.
  • To disable an account: Execute set_action_thresholds.wasm with argument deploy_threshold:u8='255' and key_management_threshold:u8='255'.
  • To enable an account: Execute set_action_thresholds.wasm with deploy_threshold:u8='1' set to 1 and key_management_threshold:u8='0'.

Step 5. Starting the Casper Node

After preparing the administrator accounts and validator nodes, you should start and run the Casper node to see the changes. Use this command to start the node:

sudo systemctl start casper-node-launcher

Refer to the Casper node setup GitHub guide to know more details about configuring a new node to operate within a network.

Additionally, refer to the casper-node-launcher to check whether the installed node binaries match the installed configurations by comparing the version numbers.

Step 6. Rotating the Validator Accounts

You need to go through setting up a validator node guide before starting this section.

To rotate the validators set, you must perform a network upgrade using a global_state.toml with new entries generated by the global-state-update-gen command.

When rotating validators manually, you will need to do so after the start of a new era. This allows you to obtain the state root hash from the final block in an era, known as the switch block.

After acquiring the state root hash from the switch block, you must stop the network. The following command allows you to use the acquired state root hash to generate a new global_state.toml.

global-state-update-gen validators \
--data-dir $DATA_DIR/global_state \
--state-hash $STATE_ROOT_HASH \
–-validator $PUBLIC_KEY_HEX,$STAKE \
–-validator $PUBLIC_KEY_HEX,$STAKE

Each use of the --validator parameter designates a validator for the next era. Only validators added using this parameter will be included in the new era, hence removing a validator only requires you to not add them with this parameter.

After designating the next era's validators, you must set the chainspec activation point and last_emergency_restart to X, where X is equal to the new era after the switch block from above. Finally, set hard_reset = true. This makes the network revert to the end of the previous era when restarted with the upgrade.

For example, to rotate the validators in era 10, one would need to wait for the end of era 9. After acquiring the state root hash from the final block of era 9, you would stop the network, run global-state-update-gen, set the activaction point and last_emergency_restart to 10 and hard_reset to true.

You can now stage the upgrade by copying the chainspecs, configs and binaries where they should be while the network is still down. Once these are in place, you can restart the network with rotated validators.


Please make sure you are running this tool as the same user that owns $DATA_DIR. Otherwise, you may receive a permission denied error.

You can find more details on enabling new validators in the joining a running network guide. The guide explains how to join the network and provide additional security to the system.

Step 7. Testing the Private Network

We will describe the testing flow using an example customer and the configuration below. These options are relative to this example customer.

Sample configuration files

Here are sample configurations that can be adapted for testing:

Specifying IP addresses

Here is an example set of IP addresses in use:

Setting up the node

Set up the node address, chain name, and the administrator's secret key.

export NODE_ADDR=
export CHAIN_NAME="private-test"

This testing example will also use an alice/secret_key.pem file, a secret key generated through the keys generation process. Alice is a regular user in this testing example.

Network access control

With a default configuration each node generates a self-signed certificate to encrypt peer-to-peer communication. This means any person can join an existing network, and sync with the network, which in private chains may not be allowed.

To restrict access for new nodes joining an existing private chain network, the node software supports loading signed client certificates by a certificate authority (CA).

tls_certificate = "local_node_cert.pem"
secret_key = "local_node.pem"
ca_certificate = "ca_cert.pem"
  • tls_certificate is the certificate signed by a ca_cert.pem.
  • secret_key refers to a secret key that should be unique to a specific node in the network. All peer-to-peer communication coming from this node will be signed by this key.
  • ca_certificate is the network CA that should be the same on each of the nodes.

To set up CA and sign client certificates for a network here are the steps to follow using an openssl command line:

# Recommended EC curve algorithm to use
export CURVE="secp521r1"

# Generate secret key for CA and save it to ca_key.pem
openssl ecparam -out ca_key.pem -name $CURVE -genkey
# Create ca_cert.pem signed by ca_key.pem
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -extensions v3_ca -key ca_key.pem -out ca_cert.pem

# Generate secret key for a node and a certificate signed by the CA
openssl ecparam -out node_1.pem -name $CURVE -genkey
openssl req -new -key node_1.pem -out node_1.csr -sha256
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -CA ca_cert.pem -CAkey ca_key.pem -CAcreateserial -in node_1.csr -out node_1_cert.pem

And then configure the node with the following settings:

tls_certificate = "node_1_cert.pem"
secret_key = "node_1.pem"
ca_certificate = "ca_cert.pem"

Every node in the private chain network has to be configured with the same CA certificate, and each tls_certificate and secret_key pair has to be signed by it. Any node trying to join with a certificate signed by an incorrect CA ends up with the following log message:

2022-09-01T12:08:53.031417Z DEBUG init:incoming{; peer_addr=}: [casper_node::components::small_network] incoming connection failed early; err=TLS validation error of peer certificate: the certificate is not signed by provided certificate authority

Keep in mind that for security reasons ca_key.pem should be stored securely and never present on each of participating machines.

Funding Alice's account

The following command transfers tokens to Alice's main purse.

casper-client \
transfer \
--chain-name $CHAIN_NAME \
--secret-key admin/secret_key.pem \
--session-account=$(<admin/public_key_hex) \
--target-account=$(<alice/public_key_hex) \
--amount=100000000000 \
--payment-amount=3000000000 \

To check the account information, use this command:

casper-client get-account-info -n $NODE_ADDR
--public-key alice/public_key.pem

Adding a bid as Alice

The following command attempts to add an auction bid on the network. It should return ApiError::AuctionError(AuctionBidsDisabled) [64559].


All payment amounts in these examples must be adjusted based on the network chainspec.

casper-client \
put-deploy \
--chain-name $CHAIN_NAME \
--secret-key alice/secret_key.pem \
--session-path add_bid.wasm \
--payment-amount 5000000000 \
--session-arg "public_key:public_key='$(<alice/public_key_hex)'" \
--session-arg "amount:u512='10000'" \
--session-arg "delegation_rate:u8='5'"

# Error: ApiError::AuctionError(AuctionBidsDisabled) [64559]"

We should get a similar error for the delegate entry point.

Disabling Alice's account

The following command disables Alice's account. In this case, executing deploys with Alice's account will not be successful.

casper-client \
put-deploy \
--chain-name $CHAIN_NAME \
--secret-key admin/secret_key.pem \
--session-path set_action_thresholds.wasm \
--payment-amount=2500000000 \
--session-arg "key_management_threshold:u8='255'" \
--session-arg "deploy_threshold:u8='255'"

Enabling Alice's account

The following command enables Alice's account. In this case, executing deploys with Alice's account will be successful.

casper-client \
put-deploy \
--chain-name $CHAIN_NAME \
--secret-key admin/secret_key.pem \
--session-path set_action_thresholds.wasm \
--payment-amount=2500000000 \
--session-arg "key_management_threshold:u8='0'" \
--session-arg "deploy_threshold:u8='1'"

Enabling a contract

The following command enables a contract using its hash.

casper-client \
put-deploy \
--chain-name $CHAIN_NAME \
--secret-key admin/secret_key.pem \
--session-account=$(<alice/public_key_hex) \
--session-path enable_contract.wasm \
--payment-amount 3000000000 \
--session-arg "contract_package_hash:account_hash='account-hash-$CONTRACT_PACKAGE_HASH'" \
--session-arg "contract_hash:account_hash='account-hash-$CONTRACT_HASH'"

Disabling a contract

The following command disables a contract using its hash. Executing this contract using CONTRACT_HASH again should fail.

casper-client \
put-deploy \
--chain-name $CHAIN_NAME \
--secret-key admin/secret_key.pem \
--session-account=$(<alice/public_key_hex) \
--session-path disable_contract.wasm \
--payment-amount 3000000000 \
--session-arg "contract_package_hash:account_hash='account-hash-$CONTRACT_PACKAGE_HASH'" \
--session-arg "contract_hash:account_hash='account-hash-$CONTRACT_HASH'"

Alice needs a container access key for the contract package in her named keys.

Verifying seigniorage allocations

Seigniorage allocations should be zero at each switch block. This is the related configuration:

compute_rewards = false

Validator stakes should not increase on each switch block. Run this command to verify this:

casper-client get-era-info -n $NODE_ADDR -b 153

The total supply shouldn't increase, and the validator's stakes should remain the same.

Operating guide

Some configuration options such as allow_auction_bids require a private chain operator to perform specific tasks manually through a network upgrade with chainspec and contents of global_state.toml file generated by a provided tool global-state-update-gen.

You can find this tool by either downloading a package or by installing it manually from the sources:

$ cargo install --git --tag private-1.4.6 global-state-update-gen
$ global-state-update-gen --help
Global State Update Generator 0.2.0
Generates a global state update file based on the supplied parameters

global-state-update-gen [SUBCOMMAND]

-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information

balances Generates an update changing account balances
generate-admins Generates entries to create new admin accounts on a private chain
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
system-contract-registry Generates an update creating the system contract registry
validators Generates an update changing the validators set

The standard output of running commands listed above is the content of a global_state.toml file, which contains a list of direct global state modifications.

Example output of running a generate-admins subcommand:

key = "balance-97bbcc2425b3eda5149a893c6180b62f1472d5143bb1450d01c8e1e96be09f13"
value = "AAIAAAABCgg="

key = "uref-97bbcc2425b3eda5149a893c6180b62f1472d5143bb1450d01c8e1e96be09f13-007"
value = "AAAAAAAJ"

key = "account-hash-ac2f4caa3e3ce1cd1dfb3d089854020b18a50cac49977d0a4c873c4d3d5a2409"

# total supply increases from 200000000000000000 to 200000000000000010
key = "uref-f8475fd4125484be39a0793530f09a29d220ffda8e48387b3d2194ddfc22894e-007"
value = "AAkAAAAICgAUu/CKxgII"

Currently, this tool outputs contents into standard output. You should redirect standard output to a file named global_state.toml and place this file in the same directory as chainspec.toml before performing a network upgrade.

$ global-state-update-gen generate-admins --data-dir $DATA_DIR --state-hash $STATE_HASH --admin NEW_PUBLIC_KEY,BALANCE >> global_state.toml

By using >> shell redirection you will always append contents to existing file without overwriting it. This is helpful when you need to chain multiple operations in a single upgrade.

Common options:

  • --data-dir path to a global state directory where data.lmdb can be found
  • --state-hash is the state root hash at the latest block. You should use the client to obtain the most recent state root hash to generate the global_state.toml.

Rotating validators

The following command rotates the validator set. Perform a network upgrade with a global_state.toml with the new entries generated by the global-state-update-gen command.

global-state-update-gen validators \
--data-dir $DATA_DIR \
--state-hash $STATE_ROOT_HASH \

Adding new administrators

The following command produces the administrator content in the global_state.toml file.

global-state-update-gen generate-admins --admin NEW_PUBLIC_KEY,NEW_BALANCE --data-dir $DATA_DIR --state-hash $STATE_ROOT_HASH

Remember that new administrators can be created, and the validator set can also be rotated in a single update.

The chainspec.toml file should contain the following entries that include new administrators as well as existing ones for an upgrade:

administrators = ["NEW_PUBLIC_KEY"]

After this step, the private network would be ready for use.

Setting up a Block Explorer

Private and hybrid blockchains can find information on how to set up and operate our free version of a block explorer here.