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7 posts tagged with "Condor"

Blog posts related to the Condor upgrade

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JSON RPC Changes in Casper 2.0

· 3 min read
Mel Padden
Head of Developer Relations for Casper Association


This article is intended for developers consuming the Casper 2.0 (AKA Condor) JSON RPC, such as dApp developers, SDK developers, or others relying on the JSON-RPC API. In this article we examine the JSON-RPC and break down the differences between v1.5.6 and v2.0.0.

Since the network's inception, the Casper node has exposed an API over HTTP, using JSON, which is known as the JSON-RPC. This API allows client software such as dApps and SDKs to communicate and interact with the node, giving access to query node state, chain state, balance details and other information, as well as to write information to the chain by submitting transactions.

Transactions in Casper 2.0

· One min read
Mark Greenslade
Gead of R&D for Casper Association

Transactions in Casper v2.0

In this article we will examine user transactions (previously called deploys). More specifically we will review the expanded set of transaction types and how they are processed by the node's execution engine.

Addressable Entity in Casper 2.0

· 3 min read
Stanislaw Czembor
Developer Advocate for Casper Association
Mel Padden
Head of Developer Relations for Casper Association

Casper 2.0 introduces significant changes in the representation and management of accounts and smart contracts, through the introduction of the AddressableEntity type. This new structure replaces the separate AccountHash and ContractHash used in Casper 1.x, bringing a unified approach to interact with entities on the network. Contracts can now hold and manage funds directly through associated purses, similar to user accounts. They can also manage their own keys, enabling more sophisticated access control.

In this article, we'll dive into the details of AddressableEntity, exploring its structure and functionalities.

Fee Elimination in Condor

· 6 min read
Dylan Ireland
Developer Advocate for Casper Association
Mel Padden
Head of Developer Relations for Casper Association

The Casper 2.0 (aka Condor) network upgrade introduces new options to the way a Casper Network can be configured to handle gas consumption. Scheduled along with the release of Condor into Mainnet is a change in the configuration of the Casper Network to use a model known as Fee Elimination for gas payments. The purpose of this article is to introduce this model, and describe how Fee Elimination will affect the behavior of the Casper Network once Condor is released.