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Version: 1.5.X

Casper Fungible Token Tutorial

This tutorial introduces an implementation of the CEP-18 standard for the Casper blockchain, known as the Casper Fungible Token. The code for this tutorial is available in GitHub.

The Ethereum Request for Comment (ERC-20) standard is an integral part of the Ethereum ecosystem. This standard allows for building new tokens based on smart contracts. These ERC-20 tokens are blockchain-based assets that have value and can be transferred or recorded.

The Casper Fungible Token standard is the Casper Platform's ER-C20 equivalent. It defines a set of rules that dictate the total supply of tokens, how the tokens are transferred, how transactions are approved, and how token data is accessed.

The following functions implement the rules defined by Casper Fungible Tokens: totalSupply, transfer, transferFrom, approve, balanceOf, and allowance. A portion of this tutorial reviews the contract and the casper_fungible_token library.

The Writing Rust Contracts on Casper document outlines many aspects of this tutorial and should be read first.


First clone the contract from GitHub:

git clone && cd cep18

Prepare your environment with the following command:

make prepare

If your environment is set up correctly, you will see this output:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
info: component 'rust-std' for target 'wasm32-unknown-unknown' is up to date

If you do not see this message, check the Getting Started Guide.

Next, compile your contract and run the contract unit tests.

make build-contract
make test

Contract Implementation

In GitHub, you will find a library and an example implementation of the Fungible Token for Casper networks. This section explains the example contract in more detail.

There are four steps to follow when you intend to create your own implementation of the Fungible Token contract, as follows:

  1. Fork the code from the example repository listed above.
  2. Perform any customization changes necessary on your personal fork of the example contract.
  3. Compile the customized code to Wasm.
  4. Send the customized Wasm as a deploy to a Casper network.

Installing Required Crates

This tutorial applies to the Rust implementation of the Casper Fungible Token standard, and requires the following Casper crates:

  • casper_contract - A Rust library for writing smart contracts on Casper networks
  • casper_types - Types used to allow creation of Wasm contracts and tests for use on Casper networks
  • casper_erc20 - A library for developing Fungible Tokens for Casper networks

Here is the code snippet which imports those crates:

use casper_contract::{contract_api::runtime, unwrap_or_revert::UnwrapOrRevert};

use casper_types::{CLValue, U256};

Note: In Rust, the keyword use is like an include statement in C/C++.

Initializing the Contract

Initializing the contract happens through the call() function inside the contract file. When you deploy the contract, you need to initialize it with a call() function and define name, symbol, decimals, and total_supply.

The code snippet for initializing the contract should look like this:

fn call() {
let name: String = runtime::get_named_arg(NAME_RUNTIME_ARG_NAME);
let symbol: String = runtime::get_named_arg(SYMBOL_RUNTIME_ARG_NAME);
let decimals = runtime::get_named_arg(DECIMALS_RUNTIME_ARG_NAME);
let total_supply = runtime::get_named_arg(TOTAL_SUPPLY_RUNTIME_ARG_NAME);

let _token = CEP18::install(name, symbol, decimals, total_supply).unwrap_or_revert();

Contract Methods

This section briefly explains the contract methods used in the Casper Fungible Token contract.

To see the full implementation of the below contract methods, refer to the contract file in Github. If you have any questions, review the casper_erc20 library and the EIP-20 standard.

Also, for further unresolved issues please contact the Casper support team via the Discord channel.

Contract methods are:

  • allowance - Returns the amount of owner’s tokens allowed to be spent by the spender
  • approve - Allows a spender to transfer up to an amount of the direct caller’s tokens
  • balance_of - Returns the token balance of the owner
  • burn - Burns tokens, reducing the total supply.
  • change_security - An administrator-level entry point to manipulate security access granted to users
  • decimals - Returns the decimals of the token
  • decrease_allowance - Decrease the allotted allowance for an account approved to spend from an owner's token balance
  • increase_allowance - Increases the allotted allowance for an account approved to spend from an owner's token balance
  • mint - Mints additional tokens, increasing the total supply
  • name- Returns the name of the token
  • symbol - Returns the symbol of the token
  • total_supply - Returns the total supply of the token
  • transfer - Transfers an amount of tokens from the direct caller to a recipient
  • transfer_from - Transfers an amount of tokens from the owner to a recipient, if the direct caller has been previously approved to spend the specified amount on behalf of the owner

Installing the Contract

After customizing your instance of the CEP-18 token contract, it's time to install it in global state. Installing the Fungible Token contract is similar to installing other smart contracts, while only the Wasm files and parameters will differ. Refer to the Sending Deploys to a Casper network using the Rust Client section to learn more about install contracts.

Deploy Prerequisites

Basic Flow

Here are the basic steps to install the Casper Fungible Token contract on a Casper Network.

Cloning the Token Contract

This step includes cloning and preparing the token contract for the deployment.

  1. Clone the Fungible Token contract from the repository.

git clone

  1. Make any necessary changes to the code for your customization requirements.

  2. Compile the contract to create the target .wasm file and build the Wasm.

cd cep18
make prepare
make build-contracts

  1. Build and verify the compiled contract.

make test

Getting an IP Address from a Testnet Peer

We will use a Testnet peer to send the deploy. Read the guide to acquiring a node address if needed.

Viewing the Network Status

This query captures any information related to the state of the blockchain at the specific time denoted by the network's state root hash. You need to have the state root hash and the account hash to run the query.

Getting the state root hash

Get the state root hash, which marks a snapshot of the network state at a moment in time. Use the Node IP address taken from a Testnet peer.

casper-client get-state-root-hash --node-address http://<HOST:PORT>

Getting the account hash

Run the following command and supply the path to your public key in hexadecimal format to get the account hash.

casper-client account-address --public-key "[PATH_TO_YOUR_KEY]/public_key_hex"

Querying global state

Use the command template below to query the network status with regard to your account.

casper-client query-global-state \
--node-address http://<HOST:PORT> \
--state-root-hash [STATE_ROOT_HASH] \

Installing the Contract

Now you can install the contract to the network and check how it behaves.

If you are sending the deploy on Mainnet, try several put deploys on the Testnet to understand the exact gas amount required for that deploy. Refer to the note about gas price to understand more about payment amounts and gas price adjustments.

The Casper platform currently does not refund any tokens as part of sending a deploy. For example, if you spend 10 CSPR for the deployment and it only costs 1 CSPR, you will not receive the remaining 9 CSPR. Refer to the Gas and the Casper Blockchain documentation for further details.

Use the following command template to deploy the contract:

casper-client put-deploy \
--node-address http://<HOST:PORT> \
--chain-name [NETWORK_NAME]] \
--secret-key [PATH_TO_YOUR_KEY]/secret_key.pem \
--payment-amount [AMOUNT] \
--session-path [WASM_FILE_PATH]/[File_Name].wasm
--session-arg <"NAME:TYPE='VALUE'" OR "NAME:TYPE=null">
  • NETWORK_NAME: Use the relevant network name. Here we use 'casper-test'
  • PATH_TO_YOUR_KEY: Replace this with the actual path of your secret key
  • PAYMENT_AMOUNT: Gas amount in tokens needed for contract execution. If there are no adequate tokens, the deploy will not execute and will return an error
  • WASM FILE PATH: The session-path argument should point to the location of your compiled Fungible Token Wasm file

Here is a sample put-deploy command:

casper-client put-deploy \
--node-address \
--chain-name casper-test \
--secret-key "/home/ubuntu/secret_key.pem" \
--payment-amount 1000000 \
--session-path "<machine-path>/cep18/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/cep18.wasm"
--session-arg "name='Token test', symbol='TEST', decimals:u8=10, total_supply:u256=1000"

Querying the Network Status

You will need the newest state root hash to view the network status, as it changed with the deploy. The account hash remains the same since you are using the same account. Follow the viewing the network state section to execute this step with the new state root hash.

Verifying the Deploy

Now you can verify the sent deploy using the get-deploy command. This will output the details of the sent deploy.

casper-client get-deploy \
--node-address http://<HOST:PORT> [DEPLOY_HASH]

Querying with Arguments

This step will narrow down the context and check the status of a specific entry point. You will use the details inside the Fungible Token contract to derive arguments.

Use the command template below to query the network state with arguments:

casper-client query-global-state \
--node-address http://<HOST:PORT> \
--state-root-hash [STATE_ROOT_HASH] \
--key [ACCOUNT_HASH] \

Example Deploy on Testnet

The following steps will guide you through the process with sample values and results.

Cloning the Fungible Token Contract

git clone

Getting an IP Address from a Testnet Peer

Use peers to get the node IP address.

Viewing the Network Status

Here is the command to query the state of the network:

casper-client query-global-state \
--key account-hash-<account-address> \
--node-address http://<HOST:PORT> \
--state-root-hash E5B679BD1562fE6257257F5f969A79482E8DCEBBD501501BfA6d5844b61cBE3f


This result contains the network state before the deploy. You can see the named-key field is empty since we haven't sent the deploy to the network yet.

Result from querying the network status
"id": 401803927542812599,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"api_version": "1.4.3",
"merkle_proof": "[25564 hex chars]",
"stored_value": {
"Account": {
"account_hash": "account-hash-<account-address> ",
"action_thresholds": {
"deployment": 1,
"key_management": 1
"associated_keys": [
"account_hash": "account-hash-<account-address> ",
"weight": 1
"main_purse": "uref-<hash>",
"named_keys": []

Sending the Deploy

Send the Deploy containing your contract with this command:

casper-client put-deploy \
--node-address http://<HOST:PORT> \
--chain-name casper-test \
--secret-key "/home/ubuntu/secret_key.pem" \
--payment-amount 1000000 \
--session-path "<machine-path>/cep18/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/cep18.wasm"
--session-arg "name='Token test', symbol='TEST', decimals:u8=10, total_supply:u256=1000"


This command execution will output the deploy_hash of the applied deploy. We can use the deploy_hash to get the details of the deploy.

"id": 931694842944790108,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"api_version": "1.4.3",
"deploy_hash": "b00E59f8aBA5c7aB9...."

Viewing the Deploy Details

You can view the details of the sent deploy using the command below:

casper-client get-deploy \
--node-address http://<HOST:PORT> \


This contains the header, payment, and session details along with the execution results.

  • If the execution result field appears as "execution_results":[], it means that the deploy hasn't been executed yet. The time to load the execution result may vary depending on the network.
Result from querying the deploy
"id": -870982079597140956,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"api_version": "1.4.3",
"deploy": {
"approvals": [
"signature": "[130 hex chars]",
"signer": "017B8CE645c728......................."
"hash": "F9D4C649Fa78Da07E.......................",
"header": {
"account": "017B8CE645c7285.......................",
"body_hash": "8eAEd6B7bCBB493d75d.......................",
"chain_name": "casper-test",
"dependencies": [],
"gas_price": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-01-04T15:14:29.203Z",
"ttl": "30m"
"payment": {
"ModuleBytes": {
"args": [
"bytes": "0500e8764817",
"cl_type": "U512",
"parsed": "100000000000"
"module_bytes": ""
"session": {
"ModuleBytes": {
"args": [],
"module_bytes": "[417800 hex chars]"
"execution_results": [
"block_hash": "d3644f0306F20fa6.......................",
"result": {
"Success": {
"cost": "45040980830",
"effect": {
"operations": [],
"transforms": [
"key": "hash-8cf5E4aCF51f54Eb5.......................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "hash-624dBE2395b9D9503FB.......................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "hash-010c3Fe81B7b862E50C77.......................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "hash-9824d60dC3A5c44A20b.......................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "balance-C051e7EC16e08De.......................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "balance-98d945f5324F865243.......................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "balance-C051e7EC16e08Def8b556",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "06E07f3abEa001",
"cl_type": "U512",
"parsed": "1789897900000"
"key": "balance-98d945f5324F865243B7c02C0417AB6eaC361c5c56602FD42ced834a1Ba201B6",
"transform": {
"AddUInt512": "100000000000"
"key": "uref-d29a34C29769D4BaC250CF9efD3c6372d8e6a89B62fAD122b3BF009990Ae61CD-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "",
"cl_type": "Unit",
"parsed": null
"key": "account-hash-7f4bf39A3...................................................",
"transform": {
"AddKeys": [
"key": "uref-d29a34C29769D4BaC250CF9efD3c6372d8e6a89B62fAD122b3BF009990Ae61CD-007",
"name": "balances"
"key": "uref-075874B98e3CF57Ea6326746336A0Aa908e770D3ADe0cf953f7E146f8B64F837-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "",
"cl_type": "Unit",
"parsed": null
"key": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311...................................................",
"transform": {
"AddKeys": [
"key": "uref-075874B98e3CF57Ea6326746336A0Aa908e770D3ADe0cf953f7E146f8B64F837-007",
"name": "allowances"
"key": "uref-66Bf928E1F6A28b174A48Fca4c002Bc8b77Dd851d7EFFb9Dc1A450cB211E484a-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "0400ca9A3B",
"cl_type": "U256",
"parsed": "1000000000"
"key": "uref-4EB0a2A42afBb1d3D5ae9BD4781dc96E528C7AD3f0eEC240Cf1DbDaDF4f3D486-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "0A00000043617370657254657374",
"cl_type": "String",
"parsed": "CasperTest"
"key": "uref-6e87fd661D5a65aF95f02baDfEb64f8E0F44C006661d4903A68E9dF8dEAa413d-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "050000004353505254",
"cl_type": "String",
"parsed": "CSPRT"
"key": "uref-aCA2425C80584391fB883603460578B1472d13a429Ebbd1a18a55cE19cE8F3C6-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "08",
"cl_type": "U8",
"parsed": 8
"key": "dictionary-baA61231F04B1c2Ee97025f425eaD2F70CAd9c1E8c24355246d159038AdCb2e9",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "[188 hex chars]",
"cl_type": "Any",
"parsed": null
"key": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a7538d8C...................................................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a75...................................................",
"transform": {
"WriteAccount": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a7538d8C91BB86C71DF774023e16bc4a70ab7e4e8AE77DbF2Ef53"
"key": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a7538...................................................",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a7538d8C...................................................",
"transform": {
"WriteAccount": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a75..................................................."
"key": "uref-868c0e0BEB2EB3C10e893be96E6D6bE7FC6375f3f038e46c3262509245c117a0-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "",
"cl_type": "Unit",
"parsed": null
"key": "hash-28f982A396052b5068383E725ab48965AB941167f53DB36a0911ba0C98bc39F0",
"transform": "WriteContractPackage"
"key": "hash-28f982A396052b5068383E725ab48965AB941167f53DB36a0911ba0C98bc39F0",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "hash-AdF81845d77907054ACb250c196392c7DAEE5481d4EabEB76c318A307c11E5cB",
"transform": "WriteContractWasm"
"key": "hash-Faa81ED758ecE1B99E2Ce48073D13D7f6185d9dc5233E39DE5c192Bebb9483D6",
"transform": "WriteContract"
"key": "hash-28f982A396052b5068383E725ab48965AB941167f53DB36a0911ba0C98bc39F0",
"transform": "WriteContractPackage"
"key": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a7538d8...................................................",
"transform": {
"AddKeys": [
"key": "hash-Faa81ED758ecE1B99E2Ce48073D13D7f6185d9dc5233E39DE5c192Bebb9483D6",
"name": "test_contract"
"key": "uref-66Bf928E1F6A28b174A48Fca4c002Bc8b77Dd851d7EFFb9Dc1A450cB211E484a-000",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "dictionary-04932d42aff9367579770E219ce1C4Da83D1Fd42Fa0FaA4Ae98AE07914c4c1E4",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "[186 hex chars]",
"cl_type": "Any",
"parsed": null
"key": "uref-66Bf928E1F6A28b174A48Fca4c002Bc8b77Dd851d7EFFb9Dc1A450cB211E484a-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "04400cAa3b",
"cl_type": "U256",
"parsed": "1001000000"
"key": "uref-66Bf928E1F6A28b174A48Fca4c002Bc8b77Dd851d7EFFb9Dc1A450cB211E484a-000",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "dictionary-Ec3f20485A29255dd2c2D7b8c008207A0d139dFDCE89224DA8b63F21c157A97F",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "[186 hex chars]",
"cl_type": "Any",
"parsed": null
"key": "uref-66Bf928E1F6A28b174A48Fca4c002Bc8b77Dd851d7EFFb9Dc1A450cB211E484a-000",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "04C090c83b",
"cl_type": "U256",
"parsed": "1003000000"
"key": "deploy-F9D4C649Fa78Da...................................................",
"transform": {
"WriteDeployInfo": {
"deploy_hash": "F9D4C649Fa78Da07Ec6EFcFC615ff1Bd3B68347750FA0C81B6a74C3f9582d7E4",
"from": "account-hash-7f4bf39A311a...................................................",
"gas": "45040980830",
"source": "uref-C051e7EC16e08Def8b556F9...................................................",
"transfers": []
"key": "balance-98d945f5324F865243B7c02C0417AB6eaC361c5c56602FD42ced834a1Ba201B6",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "hash-8cf5E4aCF51f54Eb59291599187838Dc3BC234089c46fc6cA8AD17e762aE4401",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "hash-010c3Fe81B7b862E50C77EF9A958a05BfA98444F26f96f23d37A13c96244cFB7",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "hash-9824d60dC3A5c44A20b9FD260a412437933835B52Fc683d8AE36e4ec2114843e",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "balance-98d945f5324F865243B7c02C0417AB6eaC361c5c56602FD42ced834a1Ba201B6",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "balance-c69d353A5a3b6433368A8FC2F6b308ce4Ec10291782f61BA15C96F260f91FFC0",
"transform": "Identity"
"key": "balance-98d945f5324F865243B7c02C0417AB6eaC361c5c56602FD42ced834a1Ba201B6",
"transform": {
"WriteCLValue": {
"bytes": "00",
"cl_type": "U512",
"parsed": "0"
"key": "balance-c69d353A5a3b6433368A8FC2F6b308ce4Ec10291782f61BA15C96F260f91FFC0",
"transform": {
"AddUInt512": "100000000000"
"transfers": []

Querying Contract Entry Points

We will query the argument 'name' in this example.

casper-client query-global-state --node-address \
--state-root-hash D00dF8c35B0E9995c2911803F37A212d82c960D9bC5bA3C4F99a661e18D09411 \
--key account-hash-7f4bf39A311a7538d8C91BB86C71DF774023e16bc4a70ab7e4e8AE77DbF2Ef53 \
-q "test_contract/name"


You can see that the name is CasperTest in this example.

"id": -3650676146668320186,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"api_version": "1.4.3",
"block_header": null,
"merkle_proof": "[80252 hex chars]",
"stored_value": {
"CLValue": {
"bytes": "0A00000043617370657254657374",
"cl_type": "String",
"parsed": "CasperTest"