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Primitives and Basic Serialization Rules


CLValue describes data that is used by smart contracts. This could be a local state variable, input argument, or return value. A CLValue consists of two parts: a CLType describing the type of the value and an array of bytes representing the data in our serialization format.

CLType is described by the following recursive data type:

enum CLType {
Bool, // boolean primitive
I32, // signed 32-bit integer primitive
I64, // signed 64-bit integer primitive
U8, // unsigned 8-bit integer primitive
U32, // unsigned 32-bit integer primitive
U64, // unsigned 64-bit integer primitive
U128, // unsigned 128-bit integer primitive
U256, // unsigned 256-bit integer primitive
U512, // unsigned 512-bit integer primitive
Unit, // singleton value without additional semantics
String, // e.g. "Hello, World!"
URef, // unforgeable reference (see above)
Key, // global state key (see above)
PublicKey // A Casper system PublicKey type
Option(CLType), // optional value of the given type
List(CLType), // list of values of the given type (e.g. Vec in rust)
ByteArray(CLType, u32), // same as `List` above, but number of elements
// is statically known (e.g. arrays in rust)
Result(CLType, CLType), // co-product of the given types;
// one variant meaning success, the other failure
Map(CLType, CLType), // key-value association where keys and values have the given types
Tuple1(CLType), // single value of the given type
Tuple2(CLType, CLType), // pair consisting of elements of the given types
Tuple3(CLType, CLType, CLType), // triple consisting of elements of the given types
Any // Indicates the type is not known

All data that can be assigned a (non-Any) CLType can be serialized according to the following rules, which define the Casper serialization format:


Boolean values serialize as a single byte; true maps to 1, while false maps to 0.


Numeric values consisting of 64 bits or less serialize in the two's complement representation with little-endian byte order, and the appropriate number of bytes for the bit-width.

  • E.g. 7u8 serializes as 0x07

  • E.g. 7u32 serializes as 0x07000000

  • E.g. 1024u32 serializes as 0x00040000

  • Wider numeric values (i.e. U128, U256, U512) serialize as one byte given the length of the next number (in bytes), followed by the two's complement representation with little-endian byte order. The number of bytes should be chosen as small as possible to represent the given number. This reduces the serialization size when small numbers are represented within a wide data type.

  • E.g. U512::from(7) serializes as 0x0107

  • E.g. U512::from(1024) serializes as 0x020004

  • E.g. U512::from("123456789101112131415") serializes as 0x0957ff1ada959f4eb106


Unit serializes to an empty byte array.


Strings serialize as a 32-bit integer representing the length in bytes (that might be different than the number of characters since special characters, such as emojis, take more than one byte), followed by the UTF-8 encoding of the characters in the string.

  • E.g. "Hello, World!" serializes as 0x0d00000048656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421


Optional values serialize with a single byte tag, followed by the serialization of the value itself. The tag is equal to 0 if the value is missing, and 1 if it is present.

  • E.g. None serializes as 0x00
  • E.g. Some(10u32) serializes as 0x010a000000


A list of values serializes as a 32-bit integer representing the number of elements in the list (differing from strings where it gives the number of bytes), followed by the concatenation of each serialized element.

  • E.g. List() serializes as 0x00000000
  • E.g. List(1u32, 2u32, 3u32) serializes as 0x03000000010000000200000003000000


A fixed-length list of values serializes as the concatenation of the serialized elements. Unlike a variable-length list, the length is not included in the serialization because it is statically known by the type of the value.

  • E.g. [1u32, 2u32, 3u32] serializes as 0x010000000200000003000000


A Result serializes as a single byte tag followed by the serialization of the contained value. The tag is equal to 1 for the success variant and 0 for the error variant.

-   E.g. `Ok(314u64)` serializes as `0x013a01000000000000`
- E.g. `Err("Uh oh")` serializes as `0x00050000005568206f68`


Tuples serialize as the concatenation of their serialized elements. Similar to ByteArray the number of elements is not included in the serialization because it is statically known in the type.

-   E.g. `(1u32, "Hello, World!", true)` serializes as `0x010000000d00000048656c6c6f2c20576f726c642101`


A Map serializes as a list of key-value tuples. There must be a well-defined ordering on the keys, and in the serialization, the pairs are listed in ascending order. This is done to ensure determinism in the serialization, as Map data structures can be unordered.


URef values serialize as the concatenation of their address (a fixed-length list of u8) and a single byte tag representing access rights, which are converted as follows:

Access RightsSerialization

When passing a URef to another entity on chain, you must ensure that the AccessRights are set correctly. If the URef represents a purse, AccessRights impact who can deposit and withdraw CSPR.

If a passed URef contains ADD permissions, the entity receiving the URef will then be able to deposit CSPR into the associated purse. WRITE permissions allow for withdrawing CSPR. As of 1.4.5, passing a main purse URef as a runtime argument will cause the host to automatically remove WRITE permissions. In this event, READ and ADD permissions will remain. Regardless, all due diligence should be performed to avoid passing a URef with WRITE permissions unintentionally.


PublicKey serializes as a single byte tag representing the algorithm followed by 32 bytes of the PublicKey itself:

  • If the PublicKey is a System key, the single tag byte is 0. With this variant, the single byte of 0 is the entire key.
  • If the PublicKey is an Ed25519 key, the single tag byte is 1 followed by the individual bytes of the serialized key.
  • If the PublicKey is a Secp256k1 key, the single tag byte is a 2 followed by the individual bytes of the serialized key.


Key values serialize as a single byte tag representing the variant, followed by the serialization of the data that the variant contains. For most variants, this is simply a fixed-length 32-byte array. The exception is Key::URef, which contains a URef; so its data serializes per the description above. The tags are as follows: Key::Account serializes as 0, Key::Hash as 1, Key::URef as 2.


CLType itself also has rules for serialization. A CLType serializes as a single-byte tag, followed by the concatenation of serialized inner types, if any (e.g., lists and tuples have inner types). ByteArray is a minor exception because it also includes the length in the type. However, the length is included in the serialization (as a 32-bit integer, per the serialization rules above), following the serialization of the inner type. The tags are as follows:

CLTypeSerialization Tag


A complete CLValue, including both the data and the type, can also be serialized (to store it in the global state). This is done by concatenating: the serialization of the length (as a 32-bit integer) of the serialized data (in bytes), the serialized data itself, and the serialization of the type.


Contracts are a special value type because they contain the on-chain logic of the applications running on a Casper network. A contract contains the following data:

  • a wasm module
  • a collection of named keys
  • a protocol version

The wasm module must contain a function named call, which takes no arguments and returns no values. This is the main entry point into the contract. Moreover, the module may import any of the functions supported by the Casper runtime.

Note: though the call function signature has no arguments and no return value, within the call function body, the get_named_arg runtime function can be used to accept arguments (by ordinal), and the ret runtime function can be used to return a single CLValue to the caller.

The named keys are used to give human-readable names to keys in the global state, which are essential to the contract. For example, the hash key of another contract it frequently calls may be stored under a meaningful name. It is also used to store the URefs, which are known to the contract (see the section on Permissions for details).

Each contract specifies the Casper protocol version that was active when the contract was written to the global state.