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The following definitions expand on parameters seen elsewhere within the SDK standard and are provided for clarity and completeness.


Structure representing a user's Account, stored in global state.

Required Parameters:


Thresholds that have to be met when executing an action of a certain type.

Required Parameters:


A collection of weighted public keys (represented as account hashes) associated with an account.


The weight associated with public keys in an account's associated keys.


The AccountHash is a 32-byte hash derived from a supported PublicKey. Its role is to standardize keys that can vary in length.


Identifier of an account.

Contains one of:


The first era to which the associated protocol version applies.

Any of:



The hex-encoded address of the addressable entity.


A struct containing a signature and the public key of the signer.

Required Parameters:


An array of AssociatedKeys.


An array of BlockProofs.


An array of EntityVersionAndHashes.


An array of EraRewards.


An array of MessageTopics.


An array of named entry points.


An array of NamedUserGroups.


An array of bids associated with given public keys.


An array consisting of PublicKeyAndDelegators.


An array of ValidatorWeights.


A key granted limited permissions to an Account, for purposes such as multisig.

Required Parameters:


Data structure summarizing auction contract data.

Required Parameters:


An unbroken, inclusive range of blocks.

Required Parameters:

  • low The inclusive lower bound of the range.

  • high The inclusive upper bound of the range.


Hold amount at a given block time.

Required Parameters:

  • amount The amount in the hold.

  • proof A string proof that the given value is present in the Merkle trie.

  • time The block time at which the hold was created.


An entry in the validator map.

Required Parameters:

  • bonding_purse The purse that was used for bonding.

  • delegation_rate The delegation rate.

  • delegators The validator's delegators, indexed by their public keys.

  • inactive true if validator has been "evicted".

  • staked_amount The amount of tokens staked by a validator (not including delegators).

  • validator_public_key Validator's public key.

Optional Parameters:

  • vesting_schedule Vesting schedule for a genesis validator. None if non-genesis validator.


Auction bid variants.

One of:

  • Unified A unified record indexed on validator data, with an embedded collection of all delegator bids assigned to that validator. The `Unified`` variant is for legacy retrograde support; new instances will not be created going forward.

  • Validator A bid record containing only validator data.

  • Delegator A bid record containing only delegator data.

  • Bridge A bridge record pointing to a new ValidatorBid after the public key was changed.

  • Credit Credited amount.


A block after execution.

One of:


The body portion of a block prior to Casper 2.0.

Required Parameters:

  • deploy_hashes The deploy hashes of the non-transfer deploys within the block.

  • proposer The public key of the validator that proposed the block.

  • transfer_hashes The deploy hashes of the transfers within the block.


The body portion of a block.

Required Parameters:

  • rewarded_signatures List of identifiers for finality signatures for a particular past block.

  • transactions Map of transactions mapping categories to a list of transaction hashes.


A cryptographic hash identifying a Block.


The versioned header portion of a block. It encapsulates different variants of the BlockHeader struct.

One of:

  • Version1 The legacy, initial version of the header portion of a block.

  • Version2 The version 2 of the header portion of a block.


The header portion of a block prior to Casper 2.0.

Required Parameters:

Optional Parameters:


The header portion of a block.

Required Parameters:

  • accumulated_seed A seed needed for initializing a future era.

  • body_hash The hash of the block's body.

  • current_gas_price The gas price of the era.

  • era_id

  • height The height of this block.

  • parent_hash The parent block's hash.

  • proposer The public key of the validator which proposed the block.

  • protocol_version The protocol version of the network from when this block was created.

  • random_bit A random bit needed for initializing a future era.

  • state_root_hash The root hash of global state after the deploys in this block have been executed.

  • timestamp The timestamp from when the block was proposed.

Optional Parameters:


Identifier for possible ways to retrieve a Block.

  • Hash Identify and retrieve the Block with its hash.

  • Height Identify and retrieve the Block with its height.


A validator's public key paired with a corresponding signature of a given block hash.

Required Parameters:


The status of the block synchronizer.

Optional Parameters:

  • Historical The status of syncing a historical block, if any.

  • Forward The status of syncing a forward block, if any.


The status of syncing an individual block.

Required Parameters:

  • acquisition_state The state of acquisition of the data associated with the block as a string.

  • block_hash The block hash.

Optional Parameters:

  • block_height The height of the block, if known.


A newtype wrapping a u64, which represents the block time.


A block after execution with the resulting global state root hash prior to Casper 2.0. This is the core component of the Casper linear blockchain.

Required Parameters:

  • body The body portion of the block.

  • hash The block hash identifying this block.

  • header The header portion of the block.


A block after execution, with the resulting global state root hash. This is the core component of the Casper linear blockchain.

Required Parameters:

  • body The body portion of the block.

  • hash The block hash identifying this block.

  • header The header portion of the block.


A bridge record pointing to a new ValidatorBid after the public key was changed.

Required Parameters:


Hex-encoded bytes.


A container for a contract's Wasm bytes.

Required Parameters:


The hex-encoded address of a smart contract AddressableEntity.


The type of byte code.

One of:

  • Empty Empty byte code.

  • V1CasperWasm Byte code to be executed with the version 1 Casper execution engine.


Serialization and deserialization errors.

  • EarlyEndOfStream Early end of stream while deserializing.

  • Formatting Formatting error while deserializing.

  • LeftOverBytes Not all input bytes were consumed.

  • OutOfMemory Out of memory error.

  • NotRepresentable No serialized representation is available for a value.

  • ExceededRecursionDepth Exceeded a recursion depth limit.


The raw bytes of the chainspec.toml, genesis accounts.toml, and global_state.toml files.

Required Parameters:

  • chainspec_bytes Hex-encoded raw bytes of the current chainspec.toml file.

Optional Parameters:


A contract struct that can be serialized as a JSON object.

Required Parameters:


The hash address of the contract.


Contract definition, metadata and security container.

Required Parameters:


The hash address of the contract package.


An enum to determine the lock status of the contract package.

One of:

  • Locked The package is locked and cannot be versioned.

  • Unlocked The package is unlocked and can be versioned.


The version of the contract.

Required Parameters:


Major element of ProtocolVersion combined with ContractVersion.


A container for a contract's Wasm bytes.

Required Parameter:


The hash address of the contract Wasm.


Represents a party delegating their stake to a validator (or "delegatee").

Required Parameters:

Additional Parameters:


A Deploy; an item containing a smart contract along with the requester's signature(s).

Required properties:


Hex-encoded Deploy hash.


The header portion of a Deploy.

Required Parameters:


Information relating to the given Deploy.

Required Parameters:

  • deploy_hash The relevant Deploy.

  • from Account identifier of the creator of the Deploy.

  • gas Gas cost of executing the Deploy.

  • source Source purse used for payment of the Deploy.

  • transfers Transfers performed by the Deploy.


Options for dictionary item lookups.

  • AccountNamedKey Lookup a dictionary item via an Account's named keys.

    Required Parameters:

    • key The Account key as a formatted string whose named keys contain dictionary_name.

    • dictionary_name The named key under which the dictionary seed URef is stored.

    • dictionary_item_key The dictionary item key formatted as a string.

  • ContractNamedKey Lookup a dictionary item via a Contract's named keys.

    Required Parameters:

    • key The contract key as a formatted string whose named keys contains dictionary_name.

    • dictionary_name The named key under which the dictionary seed URef is stored.

    • dictionary_item_key The dictionary item key formatted as a string.

  • EntityNamedKey

    Required Parameters:

    • key The entity address formatted as a string.

    • dictionary_name The named key under which the dictionary seed URef is stored.

    • dictionary_item_key The dictionary item key formatted as a string.

  • URef Lookup a dictionary item via its seed URef.

    Required Parameters:

    • seed_uref The dictionary's seed URef.

    • dictionary_item_key The dictionary item key formatted as a string.

  • Dictionary Lookup a dictionary item via its unique key.


Hex-encoded hash digest.


A log of all transforms produced during execution.


Thresholds that have to be met when executing an action of a certain type.

Required Parameters:


The address for an AddressableEntity which contains the 32 bytes and tagging information.

Any of:

  • The address for a system entity account or contract.

  • The address of an entity that corresponds to an Account.

  • The address of an entity that corresponds to a user (non-system) smart contract.


A collection of weighted public keys (represented as account hashes) associated with an account. See Array_of_AssociatedKey.


The weight associated with public keys in an entity's associated keys.


Identifier of an addressable entity.

One of:


The type of Package.

One of:

  • System Package associated with a native contract implementation.

  • Account Package associated with an Account hash.

  • SmartContract Packages associated with Wasm stored on chain.


An addressable entity or a legacy account.

One of:


An entity version associated with the given hash.

Required Parameters:


Major element of ProtocolVersion combined with EntityVersion.

Required Parameters:

  • entity_version Automatically incremented value for a contract version within a major ProtocolVersion.

  • protocol_version_major Major element of ProtocolVersion with which a ContractVersion is compatible.


Metadata describing a callable entry point and its return value, if any. All required parameters should be declared, whereas all non-required parameters should not be declared. Non-required parameters should not be confused with optional parameters.

Required Parameters:


Type signature of a method. Order of arguments matters since they can be referenced by index as well as their name.

Required Parameters:


Enum describing the possible access control options for a contract entry point.

One of:

  • Public A public entry point is callable by any caller.

  • Groups Only callers from the authorized, listed groups may call this entry point. Note: If this list is empty then this entry point is not callable from outside the contract.

  • Template A string type that can't be accessed directly but is kept in the derived Wasm bytes.


An enum specifying who pays for the invocation and execution of the entrypoint.

One of:

  • Caller The caller must cover the cost.

  • SelfOnly The current execution will cover the cost to execute self but not the cost of any subsequently invoked contracts.

  • SelfOnward The current execution will cover the cost to execute self and the cost of any subsequently invoked contracts.


Context of an entry point execution. The most significant bit represents the version. For example, 0b0 represents session and contract entry points up to version 2.0. And, 0b1 is for versions 2.x and later (i.e. installer and utility entry points).

One of:

  • Caller Runs using the calling entity's context. In v1.x, this was used for both session code that ran using the originating account's context and stored session code that ran in the caller's context. In v2.x, the renamed Caller variant is exclusively used for Wasm running using the initiating account entity's context. Previously installed 1.x stored session code should continue to work as the binary value matches, but we no longer allow such logic to be upgraded, nor do we allow new stored session code to be installed.

  • Called Runs within the called entity's context.

  • Factory This entry point is intended to extract a subset of bytecode. Runs within the called entity's context.


The encaspulated representation of entrypoints.

One of:

  • V1CasperVm Entrypoints to be executed against the V1 Casper VM.

  • V2CasperVm Entrypoints to be executed against the V2 Casper VM.


The entry point for the V2 Casper VM.

Required Parameters:

  • flags The flags as a uint32 integer.

  • function_index The selector as a uint32 integer.


Information related to the end of an era and validator weights for the following era prior to Casper 2.0.

Required Parameters:


Information related to the end of an era and validator weights for the following era.

Required Parameters:

  • equivocators The set of equivocators.

  • inactive_validators Validators that haven't produced any units during the era.

  • next_era_gas_price The gas price for the next era as a uint8 integer. Minimum 0.0 motes.

  • next_era_validator_weights The validators for the upcoming era and their respective weights.

  • rewards The rewards distributed to the validators.


Era ID newtype.


Identifier for an era.

One of:


Auction metadata. Intended to be recorded at each era.

Required Parameters:


Equivocation, reward and validator inactivity information.

Required Parameters:


A validator's public key paired with a measure of the value of its contribution to consensus, as a fraction of the configured maximum block reward.

Required Parameters:

  • amount The reward amount.

  • validator The validator's public key.


The summary of an era.

Required Parameters:


Represents possible variants of an executable Deploy.


The block hash and height in which a given deploy was executed, along with the execution result if known.

Required Parameters:

  • block_hash The hash of the block in which the deploy was executed.

  • block_height The height of the block in which the deploy was executed.

Optional Parameters:


The journal of execution transforms from a single Deploy.

Required Parameters:


The versioned result of executing a single Deploy.

One of:

  • Version1 Version 1 of execution result type.

  • Version2 Version 2 of execution result type.


The result of executing a single deploy prior to Casper 2.0.

One of:

  • Failure The result of a failed execution

    Required Parameters:




    error_message The error message associated with executing the Deploy.

  • Success The result of a successful execution.

    Required Parameters:





The result of executing a single transaction.

Required Parameters:

  • consumed How much gas was consumed executing this transaction.

  • cost How much was paid for this transaction.

  • effects The effects of executing this transaction.

  • initiator Who initiated this transaction.

  • limit The maximum allowed gas limit for this transaction.

  • payment Breakdown of payments made to cover the cost.

  • size_estimate The size estimate of the transaction

  • transfers A record of transfers performed while executing this transaction.

Optional Parameters:

  • error_message If there is no error message, this execution was processed successfully. If there is an error message, this execution failed to fully process for the stated reason.


The Gas struct represents a U512 amount of gas.


Identifier for possible ways to query global state.

  • BlockHash Query using a block hash.

  • BlockHeight Query using a block height.

  • StateRootHash Query using the state root hash.


A (labelled) "user group". Each entry point of a versioned contract may be associated with one or more user groups which are allowed to call it.


The address of the initiator of a transaction

Contains one of:

  • publickey The public key of the initiator.

  • accounthash The account hash derived from the public key of the initiator.


A JSON-friendly representation of a block and the signatures for that block.

Required Parameters:

  • block The block.

  • proofs The proofs of the block, i.e. a collection of validators' signatures of the block hash.


The validators for the given era.

Required Parameters:


The changes in a validator's status.

Required Parameters:


A single change to a validator's status in the given era.

Required Parameters:


A validator's weight.

Required Parameters:


The key as a formatted string, under which data can be stored in global state.


Message checksum as a formatted string.


A topic for contract-level messages.

Required Parameters:

  • topic_name A string used to identify the message topic.

  • topic_name_hash The hash of the name of the message topic.


Summary of a message topic that will be stored in global state.

Required Parameters:

  • blocktime

  • message_count The number of messages in this topic.


Minimal info of a Block.

Required Parameters:


Named arguments to a contract.


A named entry point.

Required Parameters:

  • entry_point

  • name A string identifying the entry point.


A named key.

Required Parameters:

  • key The value of the entry: a casper Key type.

  • name The name of the entry.


A collection of named keys.


A NamedKey value.

Required Parameters:

  • name The name of the Key encoded as a CLValue.

  • named_key The actual Key encoded as a CLValue.


A named group.

Required Parameters:


Information about the next protocol upgrade.

Required Parameters:


An operation performed while executing a Deploy.

Required Parameters:

  • key The formatted string of the Key.

  • kind


The type of operation performed while executing a Deploy.

One of:

  • Read A read operation.

  • Write A write operation.

  • Add An addition.

  • NoOp An operation which has no effect.

  • Prune A prune operation.


Entity definition, metadata and security container.

Required Parameters:

  • disabled_versions Collection of disabled entity versions. The runtime will not permit disabled entity versions to be executed.

  • groups Mapping maintaining the set of URefs associated with each user group, used to control access to methods in a particular version of the entity. A method is callable by any context which knows any of the URefs associated with the method's user group.

  • lock_status A flag that determines whether a entity is locked.

  • versions All versions (enabled & disabled).


Parameter to an entry point.

Required Parameters:


The hex-encoded address of a package associated with an AddressableEntity.


An enum to determine the lock status of the package.

One of:

  • Locked The package is locked and cannot be versioned.

  • Unlocked The package is unlocked and can be versioned.


Breakdown of payments made to cover the cost.

Required Parameters:

  • source Source purse used for payment of the transaction.


Node peer entry.

Required Parameters:

  • address Node address.

  • node_id Node ID.


Map of peer IDs to network addresses.


The pricing mode of a transaction.

One of:

  • Classic The original payment model, where the creator of the transaction specifies how much they will pay, at what gas price.

  • Fixed The cost of the transaction is determined by the cost table, per the transaction category.

  • Reserved The payment for this transaction was previously reserved (Not currently implemented).


Casper Platform protocol version.


Hex-encoded cryptographic public key, including the algorithm tag prefix.


A bid associated with the given public key.

Required Parameters:


A delegator associated with the given validator.

Required Parameters:


The identifier of a purse.

One of:

  • main_purse_under_public_key The main purse under a provided PublicKey.

  • main_purse_under_account_hash The main purse under a provided AccountHash.

  • main_purse_under_entity_addr The main purse of the account identified by this EntityAddr.

  • purse_uref A specific purse identified by the associated URef.


Container for bytes recording location, type and data for a gas reservation.

Required Parameters:


Describes finality signatures that will be rewarded in a block. Consists of a vector of SingleBlockRewardedSignatures, each of which describes signatures for a single ancestor block. The first entry represents the signatures for the parent block, the second for the parent of the parent, and so on.


Represents a collection of arguments passed to a smart contract.


Information about a seigniorage allocation.

One of:


Hex-encoded cryptographic signature, including the algorithm tag prefix.


List of identifiers for finality signatures for a particular past block. That past block height is equal to current_height minus signature_rewards_max_delay, the latter being defined in the chainspec.


Representation of a value stored in global state.


System contract types.

  • Mint

  • HandlePayment

  • StandardPayment

  • Auction


Human-readable duration.


Timestamp formatted as per RFC 3339.


The hash of the name of the message topic.


A versioned wrapper for a transaction or deploy.

Contains one of:



An entry point of a transaction.

One of:

  • Call The standard call entry point used in session code.

  • Custom A non-native, arbitrary entry point.

  • Transfer The transfer native entry point, used to reference motes from a source purse to a target purse.

  • AddBid The add_bid native entry point, used to create or top off a bid purse.

  • WithdrawBid The withdraw_bid native entry point, used to decrease a validator's stake.

  • Delegate The delegate native entry point, used to add a new delegator or increase an existing delegator's stake.

  • Undelegate The undelegate native entry point, used to reduce a delegator's stake or remove the delegator if the remaining stake is zero.

  • Redelegate The redelegate native entry point, used to reduce a delegator's stake or remove the delegator if the remaining stake is zero. After the unbonding delay, it will automatically delegate to a new validator.

  • ActivateBid The activate_bid native entry point, used to used to reactivate an inactive bid.

  • ChangeBidPublicKey The change_bid_public_key native entry point, used to change a bid's public key.


A versioned wrapper for a transaction hash or deploy hash.

One of:


The identifier of a stored transaction target.

One of:

  • ByHash The hex-encoded entity address identifying the invocable entity.

  • ByName The alias identifying the invocable entity.

  • ByPackageHash The address and optional version identifying the package.

    Required Parameters:

    • addr The hex-encoded address of the package.

    Optional parameters:

    • version The package version. If None, the latest enabled version is implied.
  • ByPackageName The alias and optional version identifying the package.

    Required Parameters:

    • name The package name.

    Optional Parameters:

    • version The package version. If None, the latest enabled version is implied.


Runtime used to execute a transaction.


  • VmCasperV1 The Casper Version 1 Virtual Machine.

  • VmCasperV2 The Casper Version 2 Virtual Machine.


The scheduling mode of a transaction.

One of:

  • Standard No special scheduling applied.

  • FutureEra Execution should be scheduled for the specific era.

    Required parameters for FutureEra:

  • FutureTimestamp Execution should be scheduled for the specific timestamp or later.

    Required parameters for FutureTimestamp:


The execution target of a Transaction.

One of:

  • native The execution target is a native operation.

  • stored The execution target is a stored entity or package.

    Required parameters for a stored target:

  • session The execution target is the included module bytes.

    Required parameters for a session target:


A unit of work sent by a client to the network, which when executed can cause global state to be altered.

Required Parameters:


The body of a TransactionV1.

Required Parameters:


A hex-encoded TransactionV1 hash.


The header portion of a TransactionV1.

Required Parameters:


A versioned wrapper for a transfer.

One of:


Hex-encoded version 1 transfer address.


Represents a transfer from one purse to another.

Required Parameters:

Optional Parameters:

  • id User-defined ID.

  • to Account to which funds are transferred.


Represents a version 2 transfer from one purse to another.

Required Parameters:

Optional Parameters:

  • id User-defined ID.

  • to Account to which funds are transferred.


Error type for applying and combining transforms. A TypeMismatch occurs when a transform cannot be applied because the types are not compatible (e.g. trying to add a number to a string).

One of:


A transformation performed while executing a Deploy.

Required Parameters:

  • key The formatted string of the Key.

  • transforms The transformation.


A transformation performed while executing a Deploy.

Required Parameters:

  • key The formatted string of the Key.

  • kind The transformation.


The actual transformation performed while executing a Deploy in version 1.

One of:

  • Identity A transform having no effect.

  • WriteCLValue Writes the given CLValue to global state.

  • WriteAccount Writes the given Account to global state.

  • WriteContractWasm Writes a smart contract as Wasm to global state.

  • WriteContract Writes a smart contract to global state.

  • WriteContractPackage Writes a smart contract package to global state.

  • WriteDeployInfo Writes the given DeployInfo to global state.

  • WriteEraInfo Writes the given EraInfo to global state.

  • WriteTransfer Writes the given Transfer to global state.

  • WriteBid Writes the given Bid to global state.

  • WriteWithdraw Writes the given Withdraw to global state.

  • WriteUnbonding Writes the given Unbonding to global state.

  • WriteAddressableEntity Writes the addressable entity to global state.

  • WriteBidKind Writes the given BidKind to global state.

  • AddInt32 Adds the given i32.

  • AddUInt64 Adds the given u64.

  • AddUInt128 Adds the given U128.

  • AddUInt256 Adds the given U256.

  • AddUInt512 Adds the given U512.

  • AddKeys Adds the given collection of named keys.

  • Prune Removes the pathing to the global state entry of the specified key. The pruned element remains reachable from previously generated global state root hashes, but will not be included in the next generated global state root hash and subsequent states.

  • Failure Represents the case where applying a transform would cause an error.


The actual transformation performed while executing a Deploy in version 2.

One of:

  • Identity A transform having no effect.

  • Write Writes the new value in global state.

  • AddInt32 Adds the given i32.

  • AddUInt64 Adds the given u64.

  • AddUInt128 Adds the given U128.

  • AddUInt256 Adds the given U256.

  • AddUInt512 Adds the given U512.

  • AddKeys Adds the given collection of named keys.

  • Prune Removes the pathing to the global state entry of the specified key. The pruned element remains reachable from previously generated global state root hashes, but will not be included in the next generated global state root hash and subsequent states.

  • Failure Represents the case where applying a transform would cause an error.


An error struct representing a type mismatch in StoredValue operations.

  • expected The name of the expected type.

  • found The actual type found.


Decimal representation of a 128-bit integer.


Decimal representation of a 256-bit integer.


Decimal representation of a 512-bit integer.


Unbonding purse.

Required Parameters:

Optional Parameters:


Hex-encoded, formatted URef.


An entry in the validator map.

Required Parameters:

  • bonding_purse Bonding purse.

  • delegation_rate The delegation rate.

  • inactive true if the validator has been "evicted".

  • maximum_delegation_amount Minimum allowed delegation amount in motes.

  • minimum_delegation_amount Maximum allowed delegation amount in motes.

  • staked_amount The amount of tokens staked by a validator.

  • validator_public_key The validator's public key.

Optional Parameters:


A change to a validator's status between two eras.

One of:

  • Added The validator was just added to the validator set.

  • Removed The validator was removed from the validator set.

  • Banned The validator was banned from this era.

  • CannotPropose The validator was excluded from proposing new blocks in this era.

  • SeenAsFaulty We saw the validator misbehave in this era.


Validator credit record.

Required Parameters:


A validator's public key paired with its weight, i.e. the total number of motes it staked together with its delegators.

Required Parameters:


Vesting schedule for a genesis validator.

Required Parameters:

  • initial_release_timestamp_millies Timestamp of the initial release.

Optional Parameters:


Withdraw purse, previously known as unbonding purse prior to 1.5. Withdraw purses remain as historical data.

Required Parameters: